
OligoScan allows you to make a quick and precise analysis of the trace elements and heavy metals in the tissues of your patients.

The measure is made directly in your office with a portable spectrophotometer device approved by OligoScan. The collected data from your patient are sent in a few clicks to the secure central server OligoScan. You get back the results within a few seconds.

This test is a revolutionary technique to check in real time the mineral status of your patients for an individual and efficient supplementation. In case of heavy metal intoxication, you can prescribe adapted chelating supplements.

OligoScan is an innovative and precious prevention tool allowing a longitudinal follow-up of your patients.

The method used by the OligoScan to obtain results on the amount of trace elements in tissues is the spectrophotometry.

It is a quantitative analytical method, which consists in measuring the absorbance or the optical density of a chemical substance.

The basic principle is that every chemical compound absorbs, emits or reflects light (electromagnetic radiation) over a certain range of wavelength.

The more the sample is concentrated, the more it absorbs the light within the limits of proportionality expressed in the law Beer-Lambert.

The spectrophotometry is used in many domains: chemistry, pharmacy, environment, food-processing industry, biology, medical /clinical, material/chemical engineering and clinical applications and many others.

In the clinical applications, spectrophotometry is used to examine blood or tissues for clinical diagnosis.


The negative impact of heavy metals on the human and animal organism is demonstrated by numerous studies published by research institutes such as WHO, FAO and other organisations.

The massive exposure to these toxic agents becomes a real public danger. Transported by the pollution of the air, the earth and water (ground waters and sea water), heavy metals pollute the human body either directly by contact or indirectly trough the food chain.

Some of these substances are also in products, which are in touch with the body. The institutions for sanitary issues consider that there are almost no more places in the world which are not concerned by this problem.

The elimination of these toxic metals out of the human body by appropriate chelating agents becomes a major challenge for health.

Furthermore, scientific studies alert us on another plan. They point out the dramatic depletion of nutrients in food, accompanied with an increase of food additives which cause various problems in the body.

An individualized supplementation favours the optimized functioning of the body and represents, in this context of decrease of nutritional density and quality of food, a main advantage to stay healthy.

Concerning the measuring method of OligoScan, the spectrophotometry is used in numerous scientific and industrial processes.

Comparative studies of the OligoScan test results with traditional biological analysis show a correlation in the expected standards.

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